finding code that extracts metadata values that support taglib
Scott Koranda
2014-10-22 16:53:22 UTC

This page


describes the IdP v2 support for taglibs that makes it easy for the
vanilla username/password login handler/page to expose the service
provider name (<idpui:serviceName/>).

I am writing a MCB custom sub-module and need to also expose the
service provider "name". I would like to use the same algorithm/code
that the IdP uses if possible.

I poked around the files in this directory


but cannot seem to find the Java code that would support the taglib
functionality and expose the service provider "name".

If anybody can point me to the correct file(s) in the v2 code base
where I can find an example of how to expose the service provider
"name" as is done with the taglib I would be grateful.


Scott K
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Cantor, Scott
2014-10-22 17:00:14 UTC
Post by Scott Koranda
If anybody can point me to the correct file(s) in the v2 code base
where I can find an example of how to expose the service provider
"name" as is done with the taglib I would be grateful.
The taglib implementation in v2 is in package

-- Scott
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Scott Koranda
2014-10-23 14:34:20 UTC

For the record and the archives, the MCB already has "ingested" much
of the code from
the IdP around taglibs and it can be found in the package


I had missed it there.

Sorry for the noise,

Scott K
Post by Scott Koranda
This page
describes the IdP v2 support for taglibs that makes it easy for the
vanilla username/password login handler/page to expose the service
provider name (<idpui:serviceName/>).
I am writing a MCB custom sub-module and need to also expose the
service provider "name". I would like to use the same algorithm/code
that the IdP uses if possible.
I poked around the files in this directory
but cannot seem to find the Java code that would support the taglib
functionality and expose the service provider "name".
If anybody can point me to the correct file(s) in the v2 code base
where I can find an example of how to expose the service provider
"name" as is done with the taglib I would be grateful.
Scott K
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